all postcodes in NP13 / ABERTILLERY

find any address or company within the NP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP13 3DD 22 0 51.766679 -3.165082
NP13 3DE 3 1 51.766991 -3.164794
NP13 3DF 11 0 51.765346 -3.164381
NP13 3DG 1 0 51.774169 -3.171377
NP13 3DJ 2 0 51.773463 -3.174062
NP13 3DL 8 0 51.765834 -3.163263
NP13 3DN 24 1 51.761604 -3.159083
NP13 3DP 23 0 51.758145 -3.158777
NP13 3DR 19 0 51.758214 -3.159112
NP13 3DS 6 0 51.757073 -3.158996
NP13 3DT 6 1 51.758584 -3.158035
NP13 3DU 19 1 51.758736 -3.157242
NP13 3DW 32 1 51.759925 -3.158851
NP13 3DX 8 0 51.757921 -3.157815
NP13 3DY 35 0 51.759598 -3.159205
NP13 3DZ 28 0 51.756636 -3.158608
NP13 3EA 2 0 51.757921 -3.159112
NP13 3EB 7 0 51.753742 -3.15802
NP13 3ED 14 0 51.75316 -3.157316
NP13 3EE 54 0 51.759501 -3.157116