all postcodes in NP13 / ABERTILLERY

find any address or company within the NP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP13 3EG 42 0 51.760341 -3.157703
NP13 3EJ 9 0 51.751951 -3.157778
NP13 3EL 8 0 51.751418 -3.156214
NP13 3EN 22 1 51.749882 -3.155161
NP13 3EQ 42 0 51.759389 -3.157592
NP13 3ER 20 4 51.751235 -3.156499
NP13 3ES 8 0 51.749645 -3.155416
NP13 3EU 1 0 51.751355 -3.153475
NP13 3HA 28 0 51.766036 -3.159182
NP13 3HD 25 0 51.76551 -3.158705
NP13 3HE 44 0 51.763183 -3.158558
NP13 3HF 35 0 51.761436 -3.157919
NP13 3HG 16 0 51.764905 -3.158964
NP13 3HH 3 0 51.764757 -3.158497
NP13 3HJ 22 0 51.764357 -3.158936
NP13 3HL 23 0 51.764288 -3.158615
NP13 3HN 14 0 51.76252 -3.158295
NP13 3HP 10 0 51.76051 -3.156939
NP13 3HQ 8 0 51.760453 -3.157286
NP13 3HR 38 0 51.763136 -3.156876