all postcodes in NP15 / USK

find any address or company within the NP15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District

NP15 / USK

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP15 2DR 32 1 51.765662 -2.854323
NP15 2DS 16 0 51.765304 -2.851621
NP15 2DT 6 0 51.766115 -2.851419
NP15 2DU 14 1 51.766367 -2.852554
NP15 2DW 12 0 51.766047 -2.853389
NP15 2DX 2 0 51.75345 -2.827384
NP15 2DY 28 9 51.764733 -2.853567
NP15 2EA 8 0 51.765486 -2.855103
NP15 2EB 13 4 51.764433 -2.85517
NP15 2ED 4 0 51.763902 -2.855246
NP15 2EE 12 0 51.763707 -2.856098
NP15 2EF 46 1 51.764214 -2.856904
NP15 2EG 30 0 51.763015 -2.854838
NP15 2EH 37 0 51.763402 -2.853498
NP15 2EJ 2 0 51.76414 -2.853952
NP15 2EL 6 0 51.764081 -2.852975
NP15 2EN 17 3 51.763483 -2.851065
NP15 2EP 7 1 51.764288 -2.849124
NP15 2EQ 27 0 51.763572 -2.854878
NP15 2ER 6 2 51.759928 -2.841595