all postcodes in NP15 / USK

find any address or company within the NP15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District

NP15 / USK

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP15 2ES 2 0 51.761769 -2.843547
NP15 2ET 5 0 51.76567 -2.849966
NP15 2EU 4 0 51.773376 -2.829395
NP15 2EX 3 0 51.772048 -2.831487
NP15 2EY 7 0 51.766689 -2.830302
NP15 2EZ 2 0 51.75772 -2.819812
NP15 2FB 30 0 51.762212 -2.856403
NP15 2FD 33 0 51.76109 -2.854976
NP15 2HA 22 0 51.762564 -2.852642
NP15 2HB 29 0 51.761831 -2.853251
NP15 2HD 24 0 51.761864 -2.857309
NP15 2HE 6 0 51.763354 -2.851527
NP15 2HF 12 0 51.762916 -2.852402
NP15 2HG 12 1 51.76778 -2.84377
NP15 2HH 8 1 51.772239 -2.833665
NP15 2HJ 8 0 51.760572 -2.859443
NP15 2HL 2 0 51.762383 -2.858077
NP15 2HN 2 0 51.758055 -2.870759
NP15 2HP 3 0 51.753636 -2.863614
NP15 2HQ 8 0 51.770607 -2.836881