all postcodes in NP16 / CHEPSTOW

find any address or company within the NP16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP16 6DD 0 51.672641 -2.798978
NP16 6DE 0 51.646207 -2.744041
NP16 6DF 0 51.633889 -2.703504
NP16 6DG 0 51.663978 -2.770039
NP16 6DH 0 51.660379 -2.753728
NP16 6DJ 0 51.668229 -2.778397
NP16 6DL 0 51.650436 -2.695493
NP16 6DN 1 51.664053 -2.696438
NP16 6DP 0 51.63898 -2.69076
NP16 6DQ 0 51.639642 -2.689888
NP16 6DR 0 51.63887 -2.695714
NP16 6DS 0 51.639677 -2.693053
NP16 6DT 0 51.638628 -2.692503
NP16 6DU 0 51.639493 -2.693701
NP16 6DW 0 51.638997 -2.695471
NP16 6DX 0 51.638457 -2.69409
NP16 6DY 0 51.663454 -2.699922
NP16 6DZ 0 51.666055 -2.698068
NP16 6EA 0 51.667786 -2.703286
NP16 6EB 0 51.665083 -2.701263