all postcodes in NP16 / CHEPSTOW

find any address or company within the NP16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP16 6ED 0 51.666628 -2.701533
NP16 6EE 0 51.665796 -2.697689
NP16 6EF 0 51.668173 -2.701745
NP16 6EG 0 51.658889 -2.693549
NP16 6EH 0 51.658761 -2.693894
NP16 6EJ 3 51.665693 -2.698468
NP16 6EL 0 51.663982 -2.698832
NP16 6EN 0 51.664978 -2.69813
NP16 6EP 0 51.665431 -2.698709
NP16 6EQ 0 51.659748 -2.700314
NP16 6ER 0 51.665609 -2.698944
NP16 6ES 0 51.665763 -2.6987
NP16 6HU 0 51.665291 -2.699531
NP16 6ET 0 51.66459 -2.699477
NP16 6EU 0 51.666133 -2.715016
NP16 6EW 0 51.665091 -2.698343
NP16 6EX 0 51.66391 -2.714249
NP16 6EY 0 51.668324 -2.70059
NP16 6EZ 0 51.672648 -2.705169
NP16 6HA 0 51.670625 -2.70213