all postcodes in NP16 / CHEPSTOW

find any address or company within the NP16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP16 7LG 3 51.65583 -2.656192
NP16 7LH 0 51.658142 -2.641364
NP16 7LJ 0 51.660023 -2.637762
NP16 7LL 2 51.661789 -2.633797
NP16 7LN 0 51.672214 -2.6246
NP16 7LP 0 51.671608 -2.625853
NP16 7LQ 0 51.65757 -2.642354
NP16 7LR 0 51.67754 -2.61899
NP16 7LS 0 51.685182 -2.617358
NP16 7LT 0 51.685053 -2.607535
NP16 7LU 0 51.67441 -2.62586
NP16 7LX 0 51.678438 -2.629867
NP16 7LY 0 51.685615 -2.633941
NP16 7LZ 0 51.702406 -2.651222
NP16 7NA 9 51.668213 -2.630203
NP16 7NF 0 51.711263 -2.660873
NP16 7NG 1 51.706901 -2.667452
NP16 7NH 0 51.707953 -2.667977
NP16 7NL 0 51.709716 -2.669407
NP16 7NN 0 51.708026 -2.665573