all postcodes in NP16 / CHEPSTOW

find any address or company within the NP16 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP16 7NP 0 51.711079 -2.660497
NP16 7NQ 0 51.708532 -2.668388
NP16 7NR 0 51.713389 -2.656822
NP16 7NS 0 51.715852 -2.663343
NP16 7NT 0 51.7226 -2.662558
NP16 7NU 0 51.717836 -2.667135
NP16 7NW 4 51.712767 -2.657132
NP16 7NX 2 51.705355 -2.673667
NP16 7PE 0 51.713544 -2.673962
NP16 7PF 0 51.718541 -2.675933
NP16 7PH 0 51.719439 -2.671415
NP16 7PJ 0 51.713654 -2.667349
NP16 7PR 0 51.647271 -2.672082
NP16 7PS 0 51.650973 -2.669246
NP16 7PT 1 51.654824 -2.665747
NP16 7PU 0 51.657361 -2.664286
NP16 7PX 0 51.657181 -2.662225
NP16 7PY 0 51.657112 -2.661834
NP16 7PZ 1 51.658956 -2.659938
NP16 7QA 0 51.657962 -2.659374