all postcodes in NP19 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the NP19 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP19 4NY 30 0 51.579961 -2.950357
NP19 4NZ 44 0 51.578682 -2.949537
NP19 4PA 35 0 51.57846 -2.94806
NP19 4PB 22 0 51.579033 -2.947206
NP19 4PD 59 0 51.580533 -2.948609
NP19 4PE 66 0 51.580097 -2.946839
NP19 4PF 66 0 51.580748 -2.946434
NP19 4PG 40 0 51.581044 -2.945473
NP19 4PH 30 0 51.580509 -2.949315
NP19 4PJ 16 0 51.576366 -2.955665
NP19 4PL 8 8 51.567637 -2.979404
NP19 4PN 7 6 51.567018 -2.977334
NP19 4PP 16 13 51.567148 -2.975526
NP19 4PQ 8 5 51.568385 -2.976
NP19 4PT 10 8 51.572926 -2.963189
NP19 4PU 4 4 51.572305 -2.96648
NP19 4PW 3 3 51.568003 -2.966729
NP19 4QA 26 0 51.576506 -2.95613
NP19 4QB 5 0 51.576912 -2.95712
NP19 4QD 5 0 51.575736 -2.95685