all postcodes in NP19 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the NP19 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP19 4RQ 42 4 51.571785 -2.956412
NP19 4RR 10 0 51.57186 -2.956927
NP19 4RS 34 0 51.575696 -2.960687
NP19 4SA 45 0 51.58308 -2.959328
NP19 4SB 32 0 51.582636 -2.957572
NP19 4SD 2 0 51.582411 -2.958915
NP19 4SF 10 0 51.583248 -2.95744
NP19 4SG 29 0 51.583191 -2.957872
NP19 4SJ 22 8 51.572411 -2.946708
NP19 4SL 34 32 51.572028 -2.948388
NP19 4SN 3 3 51.569957 -2.947875
NP19 4SP 13 10 51.570432 -2.945937
NP19 4SQ 1 0 51.570544 -2.945183
NP19 4SR 2 2 51.568463 -2.946993
NP19 4ST 8 5 51.569265 -2.944585
NP19 4SU 9 7 51.567028 -2.947361
NP19 4SW 2 2 51.572583 -2.939771
NP19 4SY 2 2 51.572564 -2.937872
NP19 4SZ 1 1 51.572173 -2.937373
NP19 4TA 7 0 51.577582 -2.948764