all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 8HD 0 51.930631 -2.883662
NP7 8HE 0 51.923149 -2.893374
NP7 8HF 0 51.920172 -2.903014
NP7 8HG 0 51.916191 -2.914376
NP7 8HH 0 51.916447 -2.933297
NP7 8HL 0 51.911973 -2.897019
NP7 8HN 0 51.898886 -2.911181
NP7 8HP 0 51.911953 -2.86851
NP7 8HR 0 51.906986 -2.874727
NP7 8HS 0 51.905841 -2.885108
NP7 8HT 0 51.895094 -2.889755
NP7 8HU 0 51.893021 -2.89917
NP7 8HW 0 51.880819 -2.968342
NP7 8HY 0 51.883957 -2.889865
NP7 8LA 0 51.876858 -2.890034
NP7 8LB 0 51.885857 -2.88582
NP7 8LD 0 51.897729 -2.871757
NP7 8LE 0 51.910806 -2.843207
NP7 8LF 0 51.906231 -2.841827
NP7 8LG 0 51.899785 -2.828717