all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 8LH 0 51.892737 -2.816043
NP7 8LL 0 51.907734 -2.85161
NP7 8LN 0 51.912152 -2.860653
NP7 8LP 0 51.915105 -2.869021
NP7 8LQ 0 51.91456 -2.869723
NP7 8LR 0 51.891532 -2.831482
NP7 8LS 0 51.886436 -2.844687
NP7 8LT 0 51.882455 -2.850511
NP7 8LU 0 51.877902 -2.845191
NP7 8LW 0 51.913642 -2.86593
NP7 8LY 0 51.873232 -2.845757
NP7 8NA 0 51.889843 -2.856357
NP7 8NB 0 51.897467 -2.866181
NP7 8ND 0 51.905624 -2.86221
NP7 8NE 0 51.911826 -2.864674
NP7 8NF 1 51.832908 -2.994931
NP7 8NG 1 51.832253 -2.986766
NP7 8NH 0 51.838806 -2.982085
NP7 8NL 1 51.851782 -2.940675
NP7 8NN 0 51.866218 -2.914964