all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 0WZ 1 1 51.821701 -3.019567
NP7 0WY 1 1 51.821701 -3.019567
NP7 0LE 6 0 51.804269 -3.130445
NP7 0AQ 0 51.805726 -3.131322
NP7 0PZ 0 51.802943 -3.128018
NP7 0AZ 33 0 51.832729 -3.082337
NP7 0ED 0 51.826549 -3.082682
NP7 0EJ 0 51.82634 -3.083467
NP7 0EZ 0 51.827107 -3.086097
NP7 0FA 0 51.826538 -3.084473
NP7 0BQ 1 51.822605 -3.083284
NP7 1AG 1 51.821706 -3.019573
NP7 1AU 1 1 51.821701 -3.019567
NP7 1AX 0 51.821701 -3.019567
NP7 1BE 1 1 51.821701 -3.019567
NP7 1BJ 1 0 51.821701 -3.019567
NP7 1BS 1 1 51.821701 -3.019567
NP7 1BU 1 51.821701 -3.019567
NP7 1BW 1 1 51.821701 -3.019567
NP7 1BX 1 0 51.821706 -3.019573