all postcodes in NP7 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP7 0NE 13 0 51.8095 -3.119319
NP7 0NF 9 0 51.81069 -3.117644
NP7 0NG 10 0 51.813339 -3.115556
NP7 0NH 2 0 51.807079 -3.124822
NP7 0NL 3 0 51.811624 -3.118197
NP7 0NN 5 0 51.803384 -3.138225
NP7 0NP 3 0 51.801959 -3.141525
NP7 0NR 20 0 51.803926 -3.133366
NP7 0NS 6 0 51.80454 -3.130306
NP7 0NT 9 0 51.804248 -3.12692
NP7 0NU 5 0 51.800441 -3.134859
NP7 0NW 5 0 51.801971 -3.138364
NP7 0NY 2 0 51.800031 -3.138641
NP7 0PA 3 0 51.800305 -3.141425
NP7 0PB 7 0 51.798317 -3.132239
NP7 0PD 9 0 51.801369 -3.131351
NP7 0PF 10 0 51.800448 -3.131292
NP7 0PG 1 0 51.80131 -3.128616
NP7 0PH 4 0 51.803783 -3.123862
NP7 0PL 8 0 51.802905 -3.12635