all postcodes in NP8 / CRICKHOWELL

find any address or company within the NP8 postcode district

Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP8 1HY 0 51.850928 -3.147715
NP8 1LA 0 51.84978 -3.149326
NP8 1LB 0 51.848835 -3.148416
NP8 1LD 0 51.84824 -3.151406
NP8 1LE 1 51.84805 -3.16152
NP8 1LF 0 51.839374 -3.155114
NP8 1LG 1 51.835018 -3.150924
NP8 1LH 0 51.838379 -3.13725
NP8 1LL 0 51.861324 -3.227662
NP8 1LN 0 51.854775 -3.240827
NP8 1LP 4 51.869233 -3.176685
NP8 1LQ 0 51.849449 -3.148185
NP8 1LR 0 51.869737 -3.213221
NP8 1NG 0 51.868799 -3.2343
NP8 1LS 2 51.870141 -3.232877
NP8 1ND 1 51.870776 -3.243795
NP8 1LT 0 51.870959 -3.23064
NP8 1LU 2 51.872125 -3.232604
NP8 1LW 0 51.861821 -3.1546
NP8 1LX 0 51.87122 -3.234061