all postcodes in NP8 / CRICKHOWELL

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Postcode Area

NP / Newport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NP8 1RG 0 51.883318 -3.166585
NP8 1RH 1 51.871519 -3.206108
NP8 1RJ 0 51.884064 -3.182891
NP8 1RL 0 51.874219 -3.207589
NP8 1RN 0 51.872635 -3.187073
NP8 1RP 0 51.905724 -3.192677
NP8 1RR 0 51.901024 -3.195038
NP8 1RS 0 51.905601 -3.212559
NP8 1RT 0 51.922529 -3.190868
NP8 1RU 2 51.904998 -3.191553
NP8 1RW 0 51.906072 -3.193791
NP8 1RY 0 51.902647 -3.195546
NP8 1SA 0 51.901878 -3.19599
NP8 1SB 2 51.88777 -3.208359
NP8 1SE 1 51.866067 -3.140562
NP8 1SF 1 51.869055 -3.156905
NP8 1SG 1 51.873457 -3.167848
NP8 1SH 0 51.873384 -3.174651
NP8 1SJ 0 51.875835 -3.108227
NP8 1SL 0 51.858681 -3.132607