all postcodes in NR10 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR10 5FD 1 0 52.797871 1.331166
NR10 5WY 1 1 52.728247 1.370099
NR10 5RQ 0 52.768812 1.238002
NR10 5RY 0 52.728311 1.248998
NR10 5BF 7 2 52.727925 1.250598
NR10 5GA 8 0 52.755935 1.307324
NR10 5GB 1 1 52.759012 1.347006
NR10 5EB 6 0 52.790102 1.341016
NR10 5LG 2 52.761802 1.341843
NR10 5GD 1 1 52.768873 1.357668
NR10 5FB 10 52.757601 1.348918
NR10 5BZ 0 52.761208 1.378027
NR10 5FA 0 52.744186 1.250569
NR10 5FE 1 1 52.797844 1.33113
NR10 5LQ 1 1 52.736113 1.311838