all postcodes in NR10 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR10 5QQ 5 2 52.758182 1.231076
NR10 5QR 2 0 52.751009 1.239838
NR10 5QS 2 0 52.75255 1.238416
NR10 5QT 2 0 52.752986 1.25204
NR10 5QU 2 0 52.754479 1.259563
NR10 5QW 15 1 52.747921 1.234703
NR10 5QX 22 0 52.750186 1.260349
NR10 5QY 4 0 52.751233 1.258234
NR10 5QZ 13 0 52.771746 1.253701
NR10 5RA 26 0 52.768599 1.251702
NR10 5RB 8 0 52.766019 1.254623
NR10 5RD 10 0 52.743852 1.260118
NR10 5RF 15 0 52.742753 1.248398
NR10 5RG 8 0 52.744083 1.246793
NR10 5RH 1 0 52.760873 1.280143
NR10 5RN 11 0 52.728024 1.241732
NR10 5RP 9 0 52.742215 1.253589
NR10 5SJ 1 0 52.728247 1.370099
NR10 5SR 4 1 52.769152 1.259409
NR10 5TA 2 0 52.791765 1.324082