all postcodes in NR11 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR11 8AZ 14 0 52.88242 1.424056
NR11 8BA 15 0 52.879066 1.433287
NR11 8BB 12 0 52.87898 1.433849
NR11 8BD 5 0 52.879214 1.435711
NR11 8BE 28 2 52.879413 1.434653
NR11 8BG 16 3 52.877876 1.437523
NR11 8BH 11 0 52.877345 1.43751
NR11 8BJ 15 0 52.876727 1.438056
NR11 8BL 15 0 52.875515 1.439224
NR11 8BN 54 0 52.875319 1.44007
NR11 8BP 48 0 52.872962 1.442262
NR11 8BQ 18 2 52.87671 1.439883
NR11 8BS 7 0 52.872338 1.438051
NR11 8BT 1 1 52.870231 1.446207
NR11 8BW 11 0 52.873853 1.438854
NR11 8BX 14 0 52.875034 1.439052
NR11 8BY 37 0 52.877787 1.433115
NR11 8BZ 21 0 52.877311 1.432171
NR11 8DA 23 1 52.882268 1.425575
NR11 8DB 47 0 52.881172 1.42928