all postcodes in NR11 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR11 8DD 24 0 52.882933 1.425598
NR11 8DE 4 0 52.8836 1.422766
NR11 8DF 49 2 52.884577 1.420672
NR11 8DG 45 42 52.880956 1.42642
NR11 8DH 53 0 52.882461 1.427222
NR11 8DJ 24 1 52.883799 1.424596
NR11 8DL 9 0 52.884246 1.422817
NR11 8DN 7 0 52.883846 1.423573
NR11 8DP 19 0 52.883287 1.422072
NR11 8DQ 1 0 52.88116 1.430334
NR11 8DR 9 0 52.884574 1.419215
NR11 8DS 6 0 52.885706 1.418962
NR11 8DT 5 0 52.887622 1.416779
NR11 8DU 26 1 52.886625 1.415763
NR11 8DW 3 0 52.88721 1.414204
NR11 8DX 11 1 52.891073 1.407069
NR11 8DY 5 1 52.892193 1.403454
NR11 8DZ 17 0 52.895331 1.395313
NR11 8EA 19 1 52.895478 1.391458
NR11 8EB 5 0 52.895294 1.391265