all postcodes in NR12 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR12 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR12 7LB 1 52.723834 1.348116
NR12 7LD 0 52.712063 1.325673
NR12 7LF 0 52.711603 1.324152
NR12 7LG 0 52.710064 1.324805
NR12 7LH 0 52.708862 1.323741
NR12 7LL 1 52.709354 1.325743
NR12 7LN 0 52.709622 1.326474
NR12 7LQ 0 52.709837 1.323603
NR12 7LS 0 52.706899 1.3264
NR12 7LT 1 52.706161 1.331867
NR12 7LW 0 52.710146 1.326366
NR12 7LX 0 52.708049 1.338872
NR12 7LY 0 52.707218 1.339662
NR12 7LZ 0 52.710131 1.312489
NR12 7NB 0 52.706721 1.324402
NR12 7ND 0 52.707642 1.320415
NR12 7NE 0 52.707069 1.325115
NR12 7NF 0 52.703261 1.321094
NR12 7NG 0 52.705392 1.315032
NR12 7NH 1 52.709042 1.315724