all postcodes in NR12 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR12 7NJ 2 52.711028 1.31386
NR12 7NL 0 52.708545 1.318357
NR12 7NN 0 52.712126 1.315425
NR12 7NQ 3 52.700833 1.311133
NR12 7NR 0 52.727938 1.322447
NR12 7NS 1 52.73425 1.326009
NR12 7NT 1 52.740233 1.328826
NR12 7NW 0 52.717942 1.322901
NR12 7NX 0 52.737211 1.333317
NR12 7NY 0 52.732633 1.341625
NR12 7RW 1 52.703114 1.336565
NR12 7NP 18 0 52.728094 1.318168
NR12 7BT 29 0 52.724945 1.352705
NR12 7NU 3 0 52.711118 1.323789
NR12 7GL 4 0 52.707521 1.326669
NR12 7EY 8 0 52.729308 1.348225
NR12 7AD 1 0 52.708171 1.319513
NR12 7LU 0 52.706865 1.328885
NR12 7WF 1 52.647735 1.32296
NR12 7NZ 1 1 52.732621 1.341708