all postcodes in NR13 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR13 3RW 1 52.580568 1.510206
NR13 3RX 0 52.580534 1.507738
NR13 3RY 0 52.605803 1.576661
NR13 3RZ 0 52.605736 1.569963
NR13 3SA 1 52.586057 1.50767
NR13 3SB 0 52.586237 1.504952
NR13 3SD 0 52.589438 1.512599
NR13 3SE 0 52.592055 1.515615
NR13 3SF 0 52.592014 1.517288
NR13 3SG 0 52.580628 1.516951
NR13 3SH 1 52.578606 1.512087
NR13 3SJ 0 52.5939 1.517055
NR13 3SL 0 52.579837 1.511484
NR13 3SN 0 52.582539 1.513804
NR13 3SP 0 52.579308 1.51328
NR13 3SQ 1 52.579209 1.514793
NR13 3SR 0 52.58011 1.513817
NR13 3SS 0 52.582123 1.512383
NR13 3ST 1 52.575718 1.520271
NR13 3SW 0 52.579342 1.512426