all postcodes in NR13 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR13 3QQ 1 52.55948 1.567804
NR13 3QT 0 52.640424 1.546731
NR13 3QU 0 52.641017 1.546749
NR13 3QW 1 52.640974 1.55717
NR13 3QZ 0 52.641935 1.54675
NR13 3RA 6 52.640969 1.548667
NR13 3RB 0 52.640866 1.551498
NR13 3RD 0 52.641303 1.551016
NR13 3RE 0 52.642039 1.551667
NR13 3RF 0 52.641034 1.555178
NR13 3RG 0 52.641917 1.557838
NR13 3RH 0 52.641673 1.555482
NR13 3RJ 0 52.640798 1.554361
NR13 3RL 0 52.64117 1.553666
NR13 3RN 0 52.58137 1.511083
NR13 3RP 0 52.581137 1.509816
NR13 3RQ 2 52.641893 1.555322
NR13 3RR 0 52.606861 1.577405
NR13 3RT 0 52.581857 1.510442
NR13 3RU 0 52.581337 1.508813