all postcodes in NR13 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR13 3DL 0 52.632622 1.548686
NR13 3DP 0 52.630967 1.548041
NR13 3DQ 0 52.635927 1.54854
NR13 3DR 0 52.643873 1.542988
NR13 3DS 0 52.632268 1.549973
NR13 3DU 0 52.638108 1.548997
NR13 3DW 0 52.631713 1.54808
NR13 3DX 2 52.637966 1.548321
NR13 3DY 15 52.638453 1.547968
NR13 3DZ 1 52.638647 1.54842
NR13 3EA 1 52.641029 1.54397
NR13 3EB 0 52.641512 1.544039
NR13 3ED 0 52.64247 1.542697
NR13 3EE 0 52.642368 1.543399
NR13 3EG 0 52.643076 1.544092
NR13 3EH 0 52.641709 1.544676
NR13 3EJ 0 52.643286 1.546075
NR13 3EL 0 52.643773 1.544547
NR13 3EN 0 52.643413 1.54335
NR13 3EP 0 52.643337 1.542265