all postcodes in NR13 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR13 3EQ 0 52.642335 1.545984
NR13 3ER 3 52.642197 1.541285
NR13 3ES 1 52.646219 1.537618
NR13 3ET 0 52.636977 1.549512
NR13 3EU 0 52.639601 1.550804
NR13 3EW 0 52.643124 1.541257
NR13 3EY 0 52.636266 1.549839
NR13 3EZ 0 52.564251 1.559594
NR13 3TD 0 52.563971 1.559062
NR13 3GX 0 52.606765 1.578786
NR13 3GZ 0 52.582886 1.511529
NR13 3HA 1 52.55851 1.550392
NR13 3HD 0 52.564923 1.560896
NR13 3HE 0 52.566569 1.559073
NR13 3HG 0 52.563712 1.561093
NR13 3HH 0 52.563488 1.563156
NR13 3HJ 0 52.564469 1.562246
NR13 3HL 1 52.566357 1.564348
NR13 3HN 0 52.577577 1.569857
NR13 3HP 0 52.570352 1.561321