all postcodes in NR13 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR13 3JS 0 52.635087 1.525771
NR13 3JT 1 52.639902 1.52567
NR13 3JU 0 52.622407 1.51332
NR13 3JW 0 52.638838 1.554031
NR13 3JX 0 52.622419 1.519269
NR13 3JY 0 52.618561 1.521043
NR13 3JZ 0 52.62006 1.522981
NR13 3LA 0 52.61484 1.515831
NR13 3LB 0 52.615071 1.515022
NR13 3LD 0 52.614359 1.513872
NR13 3LE 0 52.614756 1.517465
NR13 3LF 0 52.611767 1.519072
NR13 3LG 0 52.607135 1.51514
NR13 3LH 0 52.611147 1.514493
NR13 3LJ 0 52.611711 1.513069
NR13 3LL 0 52.611212 1.513235
NR13 3LN 0 52.60445 1.530983
NR13 3LP 0 52.607832 1.522834
NR13 3LR 1 52.592898 1.538339
NR13 3LS 0 52.588634 1.532353