all postcodes in NR13 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR13 3HS 0 52.570337 1.560036
NR13 3HT 1 52.57314 1.542149
NR13 3HU 0 52.577315 1.536661
NR13 3HW 0 52.573403 1.576117
NR13 3HX 0 52.576884 1.533652
NR13 3HY 0 52.579535 1.537055
NR13 3HZ 0 52.57902 1.541612
NR13 3JA 0 52.581258 1.532018
NR13 3JB 0 52.581387 1.53284
NR13 3JD 0 52.585921 1.534645
NR13 3JE 0 52.582567 1.531895
NR13 3JF 0 52.56522 1.559709
NR13 3JG 1 52.593084 1.512478
NR13 3JH 0 52.599788 1.511131
NR13 3JJ 0 52.603627 1.511187
NR13 3JL 0 52.603553 1.527291
NR13 3JN 0 52.587411 1.552162
NR13 3JP 0 52.639163 1.55309
NR13 3JQ 1 52.597954 1.512646
NR13 3JR 0 52.638246 1.554568