all postcodes in NR13 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR13 3NT 0 52.590092 1.545245
NR13 3NU 0 52.592719 1.557782
NR13 3NW 0 52.604365 1.547957
NR13 3NX 0 52.591967 1.557995
NR13 3NY 2 52.590298 1.556959
NR13 3NZ 1 52.587915 1.559888
NR13 3PA 0 52.590867 1.578013
NR13 3PB 0 52.592808 1.581066
NR13 3PD 0 52.592207 1.578056
NR13 3PE 0 52.59306 1.566192
NR13 3PF 0 52.605505 1.573438
NR13 3PG 0 52.59747 1.566093
NR13 3PH 1 52.602516 1.565786
NR13 3PJ 0 52.603513 1.566746
NR13 3PL 0 52.603447 1.569533
NR13 3PN 0 52.607125 1.569825
NR13 3PP 0 52.607975 1.571172
NR13 3PQ 0 52.600596 1.565948
NR13 3PR 0 52.60891 1.569689
NR13 3FD 0 52.615234 1.569657