all postcodes in NR13 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR13 3PS 0 52.617191 1.570393
NR13 3FE 0 52.616404 1.571112
NR13 3PT 0 52.616599 1.573028
NR13 3PU 0 52.617227 1.573655
NR13 3PW 0 52.60655 1.578443
NR13 3PX 0 52.605181 1.575835
NR13 3PY 0 52.605569 1.574315
NR13 3PZ 0 52.607935 1.573385
NR13 3QA 0 52.6083 1.575897
NR13 3QB 2 52.606123 1.575912
NR13 3QD 0 52.603386 1.603557
NR13 3QE 1 52.623502 1.605802
NR13 3QF 0 52.606686 1.576933
NR13 3QG 0 52.640084 1.548182
NR13 3QH 0 52.583798 1.51141
NR13 3QJ 5 52.639772 1.547787
NR13 3QX 2 52.639415 1.548601
NR13 3QL 6 52.63983 1.549462
NR13 3QN 1 52.640097 1.553734
NR13 3QP 0 52.641172 1.558679