all postcodes in NR13 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR13 5JJ 34 0 52.658602 1.420162
NR13 5JL 15 0 52.657895 1.419435
NR13 5JN 3 0 52.620965 1.439341
NR13 5JQ 14 0 52.661859 1.415121
NR13 5JR 11 0 52.658356 1.420882
NR13 5JT 1 0 52.624133 1.432732
NR13 5JU 3 0 52.623936 1.434556
NR13 5JW 13 0 52.62322 1.429483
NR13 5JX 10 2 52.621607 1.438594
NR13 5JY 22 3 52.621469 1.440253
NR13 5JZ 3 0 52.62357 1.4292
NR13 5LA 8 2 52.621162 1.440561
NR13 5LB 18 0 52.622178 1.440279
NR13 5LD 56 0 52.623294 1.440263
NR13 5LE 24 0 52.624089 1.439838
NR13 5LF 75 0 52.624626 1.436215
NR13 5LG 11 0 52.624241 1.436465
NR13 5LH 19 3 52.624605 1.432296
NR13 5LJ 17 0 52.623757 1.4367
NR13 5LL 24 3 52.625468 1.433251