all postcodes in NR13 / NORWICH

find any address or company within the NR13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR13 5LN 8 0 52.625145 1.431311
NR13 5LP 22 4 52.625404 1.427674
NR13 5LQ 8 0 52.624454 1.439053
NR13 5LR 22 0 52.625624 1.423198
NR13 5LS 11 0 52.625021 1.425087
NR13 5LT 5 0 52.624329 1.424442
NR13 5LU 3 0 52.625194 1.42312
NR13 5LW 7 0 52.624863 1.430513
NR13 5LX 53 0 52.626139 1.422795
NR13 5LY 16 0 52.624495 1.426412
NR13 5LZ 13 0 52.624715 1.429438
NR13 5NA 20 0 52.62417 1.427429
NR13 5NB 43 0 52.623598 1.431951
NR13 5ND 12 0 52.622857 1.431775
NR13 5NE 14 0 52.622673 1.431613
NR13 5NF 14 0 52.623559 1.433308
NR13 5NG 52 0 52.628188 1.431247
NR13 5NJ 33 0 52.627729 1.432482
NR13 5NL 48 0 52.62702 1.43151
NR13 5NN 29 1 52.622669 1.442889