all postcodes in NR14 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR14 7AZ 8 0 52.570297 1.44597
NR14 7BA 3 0 52.568495 1.444855
NR14 7BB 7 0 52.56678 1.44444
NR14 7BD 5 0 52.567274 1.452493
NR14 7BE 3 0 52.572546 1.460695
NR14 7BG 1 0 52.56474 1.462242
NR14 7BH 7 0 52.569438 1.442124
NR14 7BJ 5 0 52.567676 1.436834
NR14 7BL 5 0 52.568342 1.433418
NR14 7BN 30 1 52.561887 1.431747
NR14 7BP 1 0 52.570158 1.422268
NR14 7BQ 7 0 52.561105 1.443493
NR14 7BS 4 0 52.576844 1.412794
NR14 7BT 10 0 52.578285 1.413364
NR14 7BU 11 0 52.579772 1.418558
NR14 7BW 24 1 52.562075 1.434906
NR14 7BX 4 0 52.581643 1.415411
NR14 7BY 1 0 52.608612 1.409341
NR14 7BZ 3 0 52.570621 1.43136
NR14 7DA 11 1 52.607015 1.415732