all postcodes in NR14 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR14 7DE 8 0 52.606506 1.405011
NR14 7DD 2 1 52.602988 1.409059
NR14 7DF 12 1 52.607131 1.403908
NR14 7DG 4 0 52.60942 1.412196
NR14 7DH 13 1 52.60656 1.416554
NR14 7DJ 9 1 52.603675 1.401172
NR14 7DL 2 0 52.598641 1.391011
NR14 7DN 14 0 52.596821 1.387082
NR14 7DP 14 0 52.594459 1.379116
NR14 7DQ 31 1 52.607 1.412835
NR14 7DR 3 0 52.594079 1.377625
NR14 7DS 12 2 52.596003 1.372914
NR14 7DT 6 0 52.594927 1.365831
NR14 7DU 10 0 52.601681 1.353432
NR14 7DW 53 2 52.591686 1.388945
NR14 7DX 11 0 52.598841 1.364521
NR14 7DY 7 0 52.600591 1.367831
NR14 7DZ 5 2 52.601615 1.372267
NR14 7EA 5 0 52.603563 1.370511
NR14 7EB 4 0 52.606566 1.373712