all postcodes in NR16 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR16 2EN 41 1 52.434392 0.998626
NR16 2EP 73 0 52.432295 1.004325
NR16 2EQ 30 0 52.433904 0.993737
NR16 2ER 4 0 52.433746 1.014473
NR16 2ES 9 1 52.440694 1.013917
NR16 2EU 23 0 52.447774 1.035257
NR16 2EW 4 1 52.434432 1.003396
NR16 2EX 31 1 52.451004 1.036952
NR16 2EY 24 0 52.449558 1.038604
NR16 2EZ 14 0 52.449247 1.03636
NR16 2FH 1 0 52.42113 0.94558
NR16 2HA 29 0 52.448867 1.037511
NR16 2HB 35 3 52.448013 1.031535
NR16 2HD 9 1 52.446965 1.033818
NR16 2HE 22 11 52.446493 1.024189
NR16 2HF 4 0 52.44579 1.020388
NR16 2HG 11 0 52.448637 1.025794
NR16 2HH 2 0 52.451637 1.018325
NR16 2HJ 3 0 52.454111 1.016041
NR16 2HL 22 0 52.454401 1.022995