all postcodes in NR16 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR16 2DN 4 1 52.430082 1.037101
NR16 2DP 18 0 52.427122 1.012535
NR16 2DQ 4 0 52.449346 1.055546
NR16 2DR 4 1 52.424484 1.00241
NR16 2DS 24 1 52.422488 0.99567
NR16 2DT 20 2 52.419997 0.990676
NR16 2DU 3 0 52.430491 0.992137
NR16 2DW 6 1 52.422725 1.026592
NR16 2DX 12 0 52.432105 0.995175
NR16 2DY 13 0 52.447543 1.026705
NR16 2DZ 10 0 52.432372 0.995281
NR16 2EA 16 0 52.453769 1.039571
NR16 2EB 25 0 52.4545 1.040534
NR16 2ED 60 1 52.438804 1.000162
NR16 2EE 5 0 52.435156 0.998281
NR16 2EF 16 1 52.436042 0.995986
NR16 2EG 4 0 52.43561 0.995972
NR16 2EH 1 0 52.432923 0.990919
NR16 2EJ 1 1 52.432758 0.992468
NR16 2EL 42 0 52.432782 0.994382