all postcodes in NR16 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR16 2LT 4 2 52.432222 0.940391
NR16 2LU 20 0 52.439499 0.930192
NR16 2LW 18 0 52.439247 0.928027
NR16 2LX 5 0 52.439552 0.92816
NR16 2LY 43 0 52.43821 0.927031
NR16 2LZ 33 1 52.437985 0.928488
NR16 2NA 11 2 52.441286 0.926293
NR16 2NB 17 2 52.44089 0.929931
NR16 2ND 10 1 52.440411 0.931857
NR16 2NE 61 0 52.440817 0.934326
NR16 2NF 29 0 52.439812 0.933877
NR16 2NG 17 0 52.44455 0.938637
NR16 2NH 8 0 52.439587 0.932802
NR16 2NJ 18 0 52.439065 0.925572
NR16 2NL 10 0 52.439328 0.934183
NR16 2NN 32 0 52.439556 0.937289
NR16 2NP 8 0 52.439429 0.926479
NR16 2NQ 39 1 52.43934 0.936244
NR16 2NR 48 0 52.439323 0.938347
NR16 2NT 6 0 52.438386 0.933355