all postcodes in NR16 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR16 2NU 2 0 52.451609 0.981892
NR16 2NY 7 0 52.456435 0.980456
NR16 2NZ 1 1 52.461118 0.973397
NR16 2PA 7 0 52.462258 0.970617
NR16 2PB 4 0 52.466963 0.966252
NR16 2PD 5 0 52.467218 0.964723
NR16 2PE 3 0 52.468059 0.970979
NR16 2PF 22 0 52.467953 0.973048
NR16 2PG 6 0 52.45178 0.989563
NR16 2PH 3 1 52.45057 0.989181
NR16 2PJ 4 0 52.448765 0.98325
NR16 2PL 2 0 52.437488 0.934865
NR16 2TT 7 0 52.437237 0.932543
NR16 2TS 12 0 52.436946 0.932303
NR16 2PP 6 1 52.440215 0.931034
NR16 2PQ 6 0 52.452245 0.984001
NR16 2PR 12 0 52.437447 0.933146
NR16 2PS 12 0 52.436593 0.933486
NR16 2PT 19 0 52.436114 0.932851
NR16 2PU 11 1 52.433266 0.931676