all postcodes in NR16 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR16 2HF 4 0 52.44579 1.020388
NR16 2HG 11 0 52.448637 1.025794
NR16 2HH 2 0 52.451637 1.018325
NR16 2HJ 3 0 52.454111 1.016041
NR16 2HL 22 0 52.454401 1.022995
NR16 2HN 11 0 52.453202 1.035395
NR16 2HP 1 0 52.449039 1.034329
NR16 2HQ 10 0 52.452011 1.021506
NR16 2HR 25 0 52.452248 1.035433
NR16 2HS 46 9 52.451896 1.04506
NR16 2HT 17 0 52.453754 1.03876
NR16 2HU 63 14 52.455724 1.043763
NR16 2HW 14 0 52.452674 1.038465
NR16 2HX 8 0 52.451248 1.037729
NR16 2HY 12 0 52.451804 1.037796
NR16 2JA 4 0 52.474385 0.970816
NR16 2JB 23 0 52.440509 0.939133
NR16 2JD 19 0 52.441251 0.939059
NR16 2JE 9 0 52.443409 0.945831
NR16 2JF 5 0 52.447762 0.971417