all postcodes in NR16 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR16 2JG 44 3 52.47176 0.97005
NR16 2JH 2 0 52.473708 0.96963
NR16 2JJ 7 1 52.473778 0.968861
NR16 2JL 1 0 52.477797 0.97246
NR16 2JN 4 0 52.482446 0.974276
NR16 2JP 19 0 52.471414 0.991616
NR16 2JR 2 0 52.474406 0.970841
NR16 2JS 4 0 52.458538 0.94367
NR16 2JT 5 0 52.464708 0.958988
NR16 2JU 37 22 52.471004 0.958616
NR16 2JW 3 1 52.488027 0.977275
NR16 2JY 1 1 52.473108 0.951055
NR16 2JZ 25 21 52.477153 0.950922
NR16 2LA 1 1 52.487714 0.942737
NR16 2LD 31 1 52.490239 0.945492
NR16 2LE 17 0 52.489147 0.9408
NR16 2LF 7 0 52.481689 0.935229
NR16 2LG 6 0 52.475779 0.930099
NR16 2TU 5 0 52.476385 0.927541
NR16 2LH 8 0 52.431098 0.971654