all postcodes in NR16 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR16 2RR 5 0 52.43689 0.880489
NR16 2RS 17 0 52.436329 0.882086
NR16 2RT 8 0 52.436818 0.882339
NR16 2RU 4 0 52.437245 0.893932
NR16 2RW 4 0 52.437745 0.882762
NR16 2RX 19 4 52.436836 0.897152
NR16 2RY 16 0 52.435205 0.87804
NR16 2RZ 6 0 52.436246 0.879579
NR16 2SA 8 0 52.433929 0.874646
NR16 2SB 3 0 52.429261 0.863941
NR16 2SD 3 0 52.432279 0.880748
NR16 2SE 7 0 52.427115 0.904699
NR16 2SF 1 1 52.42501 0.913505
NR16 2SG 1 0 52.429821 0.913131
NR16 2SH 4 0 52.435546 0.923146
NR16 2SJ 3 0 52.436682 0.923737
NR16 2SL 19 0 52.437386 0.924823
NR16 2SN 11 9 52.452681 0.906347
NR16 2SP 2 0 52.437051 0.883202
NR16 2SQ 15 2 52.432549 0.918872