all postcodes in NR16 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR16 2ST 11 0 52.452478 1.037813
NR16 2SU 37 0 52.451736 1.038548
NR16 2SW 4 0 52.436889 0.879798
NR16 2SX 8 0 52.453036 1.036944
NR16 2SY 22 0 52.450476 1.038255
NR16 2SZ 13 0 52.437415 0.931922
NR16 2TA 4 0 52.473162 0.970822
NR16 2TB 4 0 52.472752 0.971045
NR16 2TD 4 0 52.439603 0.931067
NR16 2TG 2 0 52.438695 0.933695
NR16 2TN 12 0 52.437252 0.933751
NR16 2WT 1 1 52.438729 0.932584
NR16 2HZ 4 0 52.448405 1.032401
NR16 2LP 2 0 52.479872 0.941427
NR16 2SR 10 4 52.449909 0.906303
NR16 2TP 4 0 52.437187 0.934571
NR16 2AW 0 52.434543 0.99587
NR16 2BN 0 52.439287 0.931473
NR16 2TQ 0 52.440998 0.936811
NR16 2PN 0 52.437745 0.932837