all postcodes in NR16 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR16 2TR 4 0 52.440981 0.93654
NR16 2FE 0 52.434068 0.994862
NR16 2BF 3 0 52.437439 0.881285
NR16 2WP 1 1 52.438729 0.932584
NR16 2SS 0 52.451686 0.880366
NR16 2TE 9 0 52.432545 0.940059
NR16 2TF 10 0 52.432529 0.941172
NR16 2GA 17 0 52.438454 0.938966
NR16 2GB 11 0 52.437937 0.939506
NR16 2GD 12 0 52.438032 0.938188
NR16 2BS 1 0 52.447631 1.0113
NR16 2TH 1 52.453108 0.854743
NR16 2TJ 0 52.435424 0.934954
NR16 2FA 1 52.425164 0.986216
NR16 2FB 1 1 52.475716 0.946142
NR16 2GF 0 52.437313 0.942285
NR16 2GG 0 52.437683 0.940764
NR16 2FD 1 52.438749 0.932609