all postcodes in NR20 / DEREHAM

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR20 4HA 5 1 52.708904 0.933494
NR20 4HB 3 0 52.710719 0.92751
NR20 4HD 5 1 52.709127 0.925671
NR20 4HE 5 0 52.716628 0.91942
NR20 4HF 4 1 52.714884 0.917586
NR20 4HG 1 0 52.711955 0.917139
NR20 4HH 4 1 52.72825 0.883669
NR20 4HJ 1 0 52.728955 0.897536
NR20 4HL 7 1 52.73525 0.891657
NR20 4HN 13 0 52.73595 0.893555
NR20 4HP 5 1 52.735665 0.890114
NR20 4HR 18 0 52.715656 0.926049
NR20 4HS 4 0 52.739549 0.885363
NR20 4HT 16 0 52.741029 0.88478
NR20 4HU 1 0 52.746693 0.881849
NR20 4HW 1 0 52.736811 0.898398
NR20 4HX 6 0 52.740602 0.88567
NR20 4HY 5 1 52.753849 0.870094
NR20 4HZ 3 0 52.752748 0.869518
NR20 4JA 2 0 52.760048 0.863197