all postcodes in NR20 / DEREHAM

find any address or company within the NR20 postcode district

Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR20 4LD 30 0 52.729253 0.975858
NR20 4LE 36 0 52.727894 0.97772
NR20 4LF 12 0 52.728144 0.976715
NR20 4LG 18 0 52.729478 0.97694
NR20 4LH 44 0 52.728079 0.975007
NR20 4LN 4 0 52.703683 0.977788
NR20 4LP 34 0 52.714115 0.904237
NR20 4LQ 34 0 52.729192 0.978638
NR20 4LR 9 0 52.71466 0.905117
NR20 4LS 14 0 52.715139 0.924741
NR20 4LT 8 2 52.702326 0.979176
NR20 4LU 8 0 52.702669 0.979851
NR20 4LX 37 1 52.703987 0.978223
NR20 4LY 17 0 52.704131 0.98001
NR20 4LZ 17 0 52.703742 0.980102
NR20 4NA 4 0 52.70458 0.9793
NR20 4NB 28 0 52.705162 0.979429
NR20 4ND 10 0 52.70798 0.979295
NR20 4NE 14 0 52.706792 0.978607
NR20 4NF 10 0 52.707293 0.980151