all postcodes in NR24 / MELTON CONSTABLE

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR24 2AA 1 52.873649 1.075673
NR24 2AB 0 52.891815 1.024235
NR24 2AD 0 52.853078 1.056034
NR24 2AE 0 52.866372 1.099261
NR24 2AF 1 52.864925 1.109547
NR24 2AG 0 52.866089 1.113524
NR24 2AH 0 52.870621 0.992233
NR24 2AJ 0 52.850677 0.999226
NR24 2AL 0 52.866933 1.114937
NR24 2AN 0 52.867259 1.136717
NR24 2AP 2 52.856715 1.037646
NR24 2AQ 0 52.864911 1.122772
NR24 2AR 0 52.860234 1.136433
NR24 2AS 0 52.856657 1.122016
NR24 2AT 0 52.847221 1.138448
NR24 2AU 0 52.85518 1.116606
NR24 2AW 0 52.860357 1.122876
NR24 2AX 0 52.858199 1.110537
NR24 2AY 0 52.853903 1.113885
NR24 2BB 0 52.841165 1.108859