all postcodes in NR2 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR2 2HL 10 1 52.620732 1.284465
NR2 2HN 14 3 52.620174 1.283196
NR2 2HP 12 0 52.618646 1.279284
NR2 2HT 11 0 52.616319 1.272047
NR2 2HU 1 1 52.618537 1.276055
NR2 2HW 22 1 52.61947 1.281031
NR2 2HX 4 0 52.617284 1.273893
NR2 2HY 12 0 52.617073 1.273404
NR2 2JA 20 0 52.620721 1.282942
NR2 2JB 14 0 52.620513 1.282306
NR2 2JD 14 0 52.620178 1.280773
NR2 2JE 7 0 52.620447 1.281769
NR2 2LA 14 1 52.620181 1.284882
NR2 2LB 16 0 52.617547 1.27836
NR2 2LF 12 0 52.620275 1.287002
NR2 2LG 12 0 52.620027 1.28688
NR2 2LH 20 0 52.620661 1.287356
NR2 2LJ 1 1 52.618144 1.286325
NR2 2LN 50 29 52.614624 1.283549
NR2 2LP 8 0 52.619996 1.28571