all postcodes in NR2 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR2 2DR 45 1 52.620985 1.279903
NR2 2DS 7 0 52.620684 1.279067
NR2 2DT 36 0 52.620551 1.280314
NR2 2DU 8 1 52.623171 1.277273
NR2 2DW 46 0 52.622228 1.283409
NR2 2DX 57 1 52.622823 1.27808
NR2 2DY 30 0 52.622006 1.279645
NR2 2DZ 27 0 52.621668 1.27957
NR2 2EA 53 0 52.622296 1.277695
NR2 2EB 47 0 52.62242 1.278021
NR2 2ED 3 0 52.622888 1.277089
NR2 2EE 40 0 52.6203 1.276039
NR2 2EF 40 0 52.620098 1.276837
NR2 2GY 1 1 52.64771 1.322937
NR2 2HA 28 2 52.622011 1.284723
NR2 2HB 23 0 52.621877 1.284063
NR2 2HD 40 0 52.621252 1.283898
NR2 2HE 4 0 52.62149 1.284646
NR2 2HH 14 0 52.621697 1.283414
NR2 2HJ 11 0 52.621075 1.285392