all postcodes in NR3 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR3 2HA 0 52.645781 1.285692
NR3 2HB 0 52.646178 1.284998
NR3 2HD 1 52.645655 1.283693
NR3 2HE 2 52.642893 1.286067
NR3 2HF 0 52.642898 1.286798
NR3 2HG 0 52.643961 1.286813
NR3 2HJ 2 52.64622 1.283182
NR3 2HL 0 52.645953 1.282763
NR3 2HN 1 52.6435 1.28527
NR3 2HP 0 52.645534 1.282613
NR3 2HQ 0 52.644253 1.286642
NR3 2HR 0 52.645736 1.281179
NR3 2HS 0 52.646009 1.281362
NR3 2HT 0 52.645531 1.279818
NR3 2HU 0 52.646253 1.279059
NR3 2HW 2 52.643921 1.285656
NR3 2HX 0 52.645396 1.277516
NR3 2HY 1 52.645169 1.284745
NR3 2HZ 1 52.644638 1.284439
NR3 2JA 0 52.644092 1.281751