all postcodes in NR3 / NORWICH

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Postcode Area

NR / Norwich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NR3 2QZ 1 52.651046 1.272571
NR3 2RA 0 52.650839 1.276815
NR3 2RB 0 52.648592 1.283596
NR3 2RD 0 52.647168 1.280458
NR3 2RE 9 52.647862 1.282329
NR3 2RF 5 52.648799 1.282917
NR3 2RG 5 52.648238 1.281426
NR3 2RJ 2 52.649621 1.280524
NR3 2RL 0 52.65219 1.279356
NR3 2RN 0 52.648769 1.279469
NR3 2RP 0 52.652906 1.279129
NR3 2RQ 0 52.647786 1.281496
NR3 2RR 0 52.653361 1.277965
NR3 2RS 0 52.654722 1.277224
NR3 2RT 1 52.64767 1.283749
NR3 2RU 2 52.655195 1.278649
NR3 2RW 0 52.648144 1.280265
NR3 2RX 11 52.656143 1.277877
NR3 2RY 9 52.650868 1.280904
NR3 2RZ 5 52.651479 1.280353